Prime Minister defeated in late night Parliamentary vote

Houses of Parliament

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3 September 2019|The Interregnum|Mohamed Elmaazi

In a 328 vote to 302 the a coalition of SNP, Labour Party, Liberal Democrat, and Conservative Party MPs striped the executive of its normal power to dictate what is to be debated tomorrow and granting to parliament the ability to debate Hillary Ben MP’s proposed Brexit bill.

Featured image via Adrian Pingstone/Wikimedia

The House of Commons dealt a blow against the apparent plans of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to force the UK out of the EU without a deal negotiated in respect of people, goods, and services. This occurred  at 10 PM, following an emergency debate on the issue.

328 to 302 vote to empower Parliament to chose what to debate on 4 September

In a 328 vote to 302 the a coalition of SNP, Labour Party, Liberal Democrat, and Conservative Party MPs striped the executive of its normal power to dictate what is to be debated tomorrow and granting to parliament the ability to debate Hillary Ben MP’s proposed Brexit bill.

Brexit may be illegal without Parliament’s permission or a deal

Benn’s proposal would make it illegal for the UK to leave the EU on 31 October 2019 without:

a) a negotiated settlement (aka a deal) with the EU; or

b) the express permission of Parliament.

Prime Minister threatens Tories with an early election and being kicked out of the party

The Prime Minister has threatened to retaliate against his party members by withdrawing the whip, ie kicking them from the party and leaving them to compete as independents in any future election.

He also reportedly threatened to call a snap election on 14 October 2019 if Parliament votes to take control over the Brexit process.



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