Stella Moris releases latest update in Julian Assange’s case via her CrowdJustice page - 16 February 2021|The Interregnum|Mohamed Elmaazi Stella Moris has published her latest update in the legal case of her fiancé Julian Assange. In her post Moris also called for continued support to aid with the WikiLeaks founder’s defence against the US government’s attempts to overturn Judge Baraitser’s discharge of the extradition order.
Over 150 Lawyers ‘Condemn’ Denial of Julian Assange’s ‘Right to a Fair Trial’ in Open Letter - 17 August 2020|Sputnik|Mohamed Elmaazi The potential extradition of the WikiLeaks publisher to the US and his treatment whilst in the UK “sets a risky precedent for the entire democratic world”, according to legal experts who have signed on to a detailed open letter to the British Prime Minister.
UK ‘Faces Terror Threats on Three Fronts’ Though Lessons Have Been Learned, Policing Expert Says - 23 May 2020|Sputnik UK|Mohamed Elmaazi 23 people were killed and 139 injured, more than half of them children, following a bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester on 22 May 2017. Britain has continued to experience politically motivated violence since then though newer policies have helped reduce their risk, according to Dr David … Continue reading "UK ‘Faces Terror Threats on Three Fronts’ Though Lessons Have Been Learned, Policing Expert Says"
NHS Data is At Risk From For-Profit Surveillance and Data Analysis Firms, Says medConfidential - 13 May 2020|Sputnik UK|Mohamed Elmaazi Public confidence in the NHS and the security of patient information is at risk as a result of data processing contracts being awarded to tech firms with a history of targeting critics of business interests and collaborating with immigration enforcement, rights groups claim.
British father pled “not guilty” to terrorism charges for supporting his son, an anti-Daesh YPG volunteer - 14 February 2020|The Interregnum|Mohamed Elmaazi The British state is now wielding terrorism charges against family members of YPG volunteers even though it is not a banned organisation. Activists say this reflects a wider policy of “use and abuse” of terrorism legislation designed to clamp down on social activism and solidarity work which would otherwise be … Continue reading "British father pled “not guilty” to terrorism charges for supporting his son, an anti-Daesh YPG volunteer"
Ex-Guardian Journo Blames Russia for Corbyn Leaks and Gets Pilloried Online - 10 December 2019|The Interregnum|Mohamed Elmaazi Journalist James Ball once worked with WikiLeaks to reveal war crimes perpetrated by US and UK forces, though he later argued that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had nothing to fear if he left the Ecuadorian embassy were he received diplomatic asylum. Ball regularly accuses the Russian state with interfering in … Continue reading "Ex-Guardian Journo Blames Russia for Corbyn Leaks and Gets Pilloried Online"
Co-Founder of International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Sends Message of Solidarity to Chris Williamson - 9 December 2019|The Interregnum|Mohamed Elmaazi A long-time anti-Zionist campaigner writes an open letter of solidarity to socialist Chris Williamson amid relentless smears and attacks from the right-wing of the Labour Party and mainstream media.
BBC Confirms its licence has not been revoked in Bolivia, unlike teleSUR’s - 27 November 2019|Mohamed Elmaazi While news outlets which have reported critically of the ongoing coup in Boliva have been targeted by the coup government and its supporters, the BBC, which is seen as more sympathetic to coup, remains unscathed for now.
UK Mainstream Media Ignore History of ‘Brutal Removal’ of Islanders From Chagos Islands - 23 November 2019|Sputnik International|MohamedElmaazi When discussing the ongoing saga of the UK and the Chagos Islands, mainstream media often miss the history of how the UK government ruthlessly expelled the inhabitants of the Indian Ocean islands in the 1960s and 1970s. A story which award winning investigative Journalist John Pilger told in his 2004 documentary … Continue reading "UK Mainstream Media Ignore History of ‘Brutal Removal’ of Islanders From Chagos Islands"
Self-Harm and Deaths on the Rise in Prisons and Under Probation in England and Wales - 4 November 2019|Sputnik International|Mohamed Elmaazi The UK Ministry of Justice has released its latest statistics which show an alarming rise in self-harm and suicides among those under control of the prison and probation services.