Category: Analysis
Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg blasts Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange as “declaration of war” on the free press
26 May 2019|The Interregnum| Mohamed Elmaazi
The US Department of Justice has unveiled 17 more criminal charges against Julian Assange, which make clear he is being targeted for his role in exposing war crimes committed by the US government and allied forces.
Special Advisers to Obama blast “American economic warfare” against Iran
As Donald Trump increases his aggressive posture towards Iran, special advisers to former US president Barack Obama warn that his unrealistic hopes for a “better deal” may be leading to a “ruinous chain of events”.
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Claims that anti-racist Jewish peace activist is an antisemite are debunked by video made by the accuser
15 May 2019|The Interregnum|Mohamed Elmaazi
The Pro-Corbyn group Jewish Voice for Labour has slammed the “twisted” mischaracterisation of comments made by its secretary, by the Jewish Chronicle and Luciana Berger, among others. A further examination of the evidence shows how baseless these claims really are.
(Part 1) Pentagon is “demarcating the highway to war with China”, warns ex-US Colonel
The US Department of Defense (DOD) recently published its annual report for Congress about China’s “military and security developments”. National security and foreign policy expert Lawrence Wilkerson warned that the report is a “budget ploy”, which is part of a larger and more dangerous aggressive US posture, that sees China not only as a competitor but also as a threat to vital US national security interests. He says this world-view is setting the stage for war.
An admiral’s blatantly ‘colonialist’ tweet exposes US policy on Venezuela for what it is
10 May 2019| The Canary| Mohamed Elmaazi
A top US economist has hit the nail on the head regarding Washington’s blatantly ‘colonialist’ attitude towards Venezuela. On 9 May, the current head of US Southern Command (which oversees US military interests in Central and South America) explained how he looks forward to working with Venezuelan army defectors “when invited” by “the legitimate” government (i.e. not the current, elected one). Admiral Craig Faller said… Read full article here:
WitchHunt: The smearing of the anti-racist Left
4 March 2019|The Canary|Mohamed Elmaazi
Right-wing and even liberal forces are levelling false charges of racism and antisemitism to destroy ‘the Left’ in the UK. This alliance of forces, which includes pro-Zionist Labour Party members, is also specifically targeting anti-racist campaigners who are critical of the State of Israel. This is one of the key messages to come out of a powerful new documentary called WitchHunt.
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Venezuela under assault: socialism, imperialism and oil
2 February 2019 | MEDIA DIVERSIFIED| Mohamed Elmaazi
In recent years the Venezuela government has found itself in conflict with right-wing opposition forces, but also with genuine grassroots organisers who want to carry the “Bolivarian revolution” forward. Thus democratising policies under Chavez have stalled. Mohamed Elmaazi details the steps that have led to ordinary Venezuelans being caught between a rock and a hard place.
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Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War
17 December 2018| The Grayzone project|
The Grayzone entered the carefully concealed offices of a covert, British government-backed propaganda mill that is at the center of an international scandal the mainstream media refuses to touch.
Featured image via Mohamed Elmaazi
Recent hacked documents have revealed an international network of politicians, journalists, academics, researchers and military officers, all engaged in highly deceptive covert propaganda campaigns funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), NATO, Facebook and hardline national security institutions.
Leaked US documents reveal a warped vision of regime change in Syria
28 September 2018|The Canary|Mohamed Elmaazi
Featured image via US military intelligence video
Leaked US documents have revealed Washington’s vision of regime change in Syria. And it’s not pretty. Planners never thought democratic opponents to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad stood a chance, according to a 2011 US military intelligence assessment. The US Marine Corps’ (USMC) Intelligence Department and private intelligence firm Stratfor jointly produced this August 2011 assessment. Journalist Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed discovered this document among a trove of leaked emails published by WikiLeaks.
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