John McCain’s warmongering and ‘hegemonic world view’ live on as liberals support fuelling Ukraine war
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7 August 2022|The Interregnum|Mohamed Emaazi
US senator John McCain died on 25 August 2018. Understanding his world view offers an insight into the world view of much of the US political class, including its support for fuelling the war in Ukraine.
A version of this article was first published via The Canary on 29 August 2018 under the headline OBITUARY: Liberals celebrate John McCain’s ‘patriotism’ while whitewashing his warmongering and ‘hegemonic world view’
[Editor’s Note: This article is being republished here, with some minor amendments, given the significance of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and NATO’s increased arming of the Ukrainian state.]
US senator John McCain diedaged 81 on 25 August 2018, after succumbingto a brain tumour. High praise for the former war veteran has been pouring in from members of the US liberal, media and political class. Yet missing from most comments and obituaries is a proper consideration of his world view and policies.
Applauded by liberals both ‘neo’ and ‘left’
Former President Barack Obama and his wife released a statementcelebrating his “shared fidelity” to the “ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants” fought for. Susan Hennessey, editor of the Lawfar blogand analyst on the US cable news MSNBC says he is a “good, good man”.
Liberal blogger Bill Palmer echoes thesentiment and US congressman, and former civil rights activist John Lewis called McCain “a warrior for peace”.
Even self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” and much vaunted congressional contender Alexandria Ocassio-Cortiz
The war veteran was captured and torturedduring the US war in Vietnam.
Retired colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who served undersecretary of state Colin Powell under the Bush administration, spoke to The Canaryabout McCain.
Wilkerson, who is also a veteran ofthe US war inVietnam, told The Canary:
I believe that what is important to remember about Senator McCain is that most of the time he believed ardently in the policies that he advocated. I did not always agree with those policies, but I admired the fidelity to them that he displayed. One of his policies with which I didagree was his passionate opposition to torture. In December 2005, Senator McCain and his staff worked diligently with a group to which I belonged that wanted to get the US Armed Forces immediately out of the business of torture. We were successful and a large part of the reason was John McCain’s help in the Senate.
We are blessed, and we have been a blessing to humanity in turn. The international order we helped build from the ashes of world war, and that we defend to this day, has liberated more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. This wondrous land has shared its treasures and ideals and shed the blood of its finest patriots to help make another, better world.
However, as this short videofrom 2000 shows, the Arizona senator’s ‘liberty’ came in a strange package, as he openly called for invading or overthrowing states such as North Korea, Libya, and Iraq.
In 2013, the liberal Magazine Mother Jones produceda “world attack map” containing 13 countries McCain:
has been eager to bomb, invade, or destabilize
Countries where John McCain has called for US military intervention
Foreign Policy expert Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute of Policy Studies, told The Canary:
What I remember most about John McCain was the simplicity of his approach to Iran [he] sung to the tune of the old early ’60s hit “barbara Ann” – he sang out quite joyfully, “Bomb, bomb bomb, Bomb bomb Iran…..”
Bennis concluded by saying:
He was a militarist who privileged war over diplomacy.
Wilkerson, who is nowan adjunct professor at William and Mary, told The Canary:
John McCain’s foreign policy views were too reflective of the hegemonic empire we have become. I believe such views are leading America to bankruptcy and ruin. If we do not learn to co-exist with other powers in the world rather than try to dominate them with our financial, economic, or military power, we will perish with them.
A Teddy Roosevelt Republican
McCain said he modelled himselfon former US president Teddy Roosevelt. In 2008 Reuters journalist Bernd Debusman wrote thatMcCain revered the former “progressive” US president. Roosevelt, who was elected in 1901, received aNobel peace prize. He also established “5 national parks, 51 wildlife refuges and 150 national forests”, and broke upmonopolies and cartels.
But on foreign policy Roosevelt wasan imperialistof the highest order. He first articulatedAmerica’s right to “international police powers”, and it is his foreign policythat McCain often celebrated. Roosevelt inherited, and continued, the brutal US war against the people of the Philippines, that killed approximately 200,000 Filipino civilians. He was also an open racist who defended[pdf]and justified the genocideof native Americans as necessary, progressive and civilised.
Henry Kissinger wassecretary of state and national security adviser to former US President Richard Nixon. The Nobel Peace Prize winneroversaw the covert illegalbombingagainst Cambodia (that McCain openly supported) and Laos. Kissinger also backedthe military coup of Augusto Pinochet in Chile, and supportedthe right-wing “dirty war” in Argentina. He also gave the “green light” to the genocide in East Timorby the military coup government of General Suharto of Indonesia.
McCain chaired a 2015 senate hearing on foreign affairs inviting Kissinger for his advice. Code Pinkanti-war protesters briefly disrupted the hearing, calling forKissinger to be tried for war crimes. McCain called them [2.30] “low life scum” and then apologised to Kissinger for the protests.
Code Pink protestors disrupting senate hearing chaired by John McCain
Chairing international reaction
In the 1980s McCain sat onthe board of an organisation linked to “ultra-right wing death squads” in Latin America, the United States Council for World Freedom.
McCain also chairedthe right-wing International Republican Institute for25 years.
An organisation the Center for Economic and Policy Research describesas:
a group that has supported the ouster of democratically elected presidents in Haiti and Venezuela in recent years.
He supported relations with Saudi Arabia and opposed them with Iran, Russia
Wilkerson described some key differences between his foreign policy views and those of the late senator:
I was working to get the US out of its support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, while Senator McCain seemed to be supportive of the US efforts. I have similar views on Russia. Senator McCain seemed to want a new cold war with Russia, while I subscribed to George H.W. Bush’s view that the world would be significantly better if Moscow and Washington were talking, coordinating policies, and, very particularly, working to limit nuclear weapons in the world.
Secretary Kerry and Senator McCain Chat With Members of the Saudi Royal Family, 27 January 2015
A ‘new cold war’ with Russia
A dyed in the wool cold warrior, McCain’s Russophobia is as long-standing as it is notorious, once telling a crowdthat:
Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.
It’s kleptocracy. It’s corruption. It’s a nation that’s really only dependent upon oil and gas for their economy, and so economic sanctions are important”
In 2003 he signed adocument drafted by the neoconservative Project for the New American Century (PNAC), calling for sanctions to be placed on Russia. A “key belief[pdf, p11]” of PNAC is that:
America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military forces.
Republican Senator John McCain and Democrat Senator Chris Murphey of Connecticut at press conference in Ukraine, December 2013
John McCain speaks to protesters in Ukraine, December 2013
John McCain with President Petro Poroshenko in Ukraine
Journalist and filmmaker Robbie Martintold The Canary:
McCain was the main conduit for the Obama era effort to rebrand neoconservatism. People like Kristol and Kagan poured almost all their energy into him. Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton Marco Rubio were their secondary conduits but it always came back to funneling all the propaganda through McCain especially during Ukraine.
Martin directed and produced the brilliant three-part documentary series, about US militarism, A Very Heavy Agenda.
He concluded:
[T]he last 4 years of McCain’s life were defined by trying to do everything he could to prevent a détente with Russia and to escalate tensions.
Before he died McCain was “honoured” with his name added toa “$717 billion military spending bill”. Perhaps it is unsurprising then, that US weapons behemoth Lockheed Martin called him “a true patriot” who “will be greatly missed”.
The billion pound behemoth Google also celebrated John McCain as an “American Hero”
More in common than divides them
That members of the liberal class have been heaping praise onto McCain should not be surprising. Its true that McCain wanted toprivatise the US social security system, but sodidObama. And while he supported coups, militarism and‘free trade’ deals, so didClinton. In reality he has more in common with his ‘liberal’ counterparts than many would care to admit.
Wilkerson, himself a life long member of the Republican Party, ended his thoughts to The Canarysaying that we are “staring into the abyss” of climate change.
Concluding on a sombre note he said:
If I fault Senator McCain for a single, overriding shortcoming, it is that he did not see this existential challenge clearly. It is the ultimate challenge–a challenge we may already be too late in meeting.
Alas, in this respect, McCain is hardly alone. To understand McCain is, in many respects, to understand US imperialism. Which is why we must seek to understand rather than whitewash his world view and policies.
– Read moreabout John McCain’s involvement in Libya, Syria and Ukraine from Max Blumenthal via Consortium News.